Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chat: Privilege, Politics, and Some Handy Memes for Snowflakes! ❄️

In which Brittany and Angela discuss life stuff, random FB messages from strangers, political daydreams, and how to define privilege for the privileged. 

Angela: So, what's been going on with you?

Brittany: Not too much today. Charity had her first date Friday, which apparently went pretty well. The rest of us had sushi that night because Kiara was like "I don't have a date. We should get sushi." Flawless logic, obviously.
What's been going on with you?

Lol! I like how that kid thinks.
Me, just doing the working mom going to school shuffle. I'm done with my 8 week course, though, and so I just have to focus on English Comp for the rest of the semester.

Brittany: Yeah. Political science, right?

Angela: Yes. Thinking of maybe double majoring in environmental science. Because I'm apparently insane.

Brittany: Double majors are a lot of work, but that fits you.

Angela: Yeah... I'm both excited by the prospect and terrified. Lol
But didn't you and your gals just go on a trip somewhere?

Brittany: We went to Austin City Limits. Just Trisha, Michelle, and I. The girls stay at their dad's when we do that. It was fun, but also sort of exhausting as usual. Got to see The Cure, and a bunch of other bands.

Angela: Fun! Was it just the weekend?

Brittany: 10 days, with the weekend being at the end. Between ACL and having teenagers, I'm actually pretty current on new music too. And they have a feminist book store out there, so that's where I bought the Tegan and Sara book and a few others.

Angela: Oh, that's neat. Austin is fantastic.

Brittany: Trisha and I started going in 2012, early in our relationship. Now Michelle goes too. Sort of a tradition every October now. Early October, sometimes the last couple days of September since we do more than the weekend. Tegan and Sara actually played that year.

Angela: I know they're one of your favorite bands. I saw your informal review of their book. Made me want to read it. 😊

Brittany: They have been for a long time. Did you order it?

Angela: No, not yet. But it's on the list

Brittany: I keep a list on the computer. Like my Netflix list, it's totally out of control now, and I'll definitely never complete it.

Angela: Lol, yes. There are so many things people say, "You haven't read/watched that yet??" Like, dude, we have the entire internet at our fingertips. There is too much stuff to get to. I can't experience it all.

Brittany (being random): LMAO. So one message from some random dude got through. So I decided to look at message request, and there a few more messages from dudes, and one from a couple.

Angela (recalibrating for random subject change): I assume these are all people you don't know?

Brittany: Look at your message requests. Then go to the filtered ones. You might find a ton of useless messages. And yeah. No mutual friends or anything. At least FB filters most of them.

Angela: That's effing weird. What do they want from you?

Brittany: It's all like "Hey" and being waved at, and other insanely creative things from people who have the conversational skills of, I don't know, a fucking brick or something.

Angela: Amazing. I'm scared to look at mine. I might die of boredom.

Brittany: Most of them are old, but the one that got me interested in looking was from today.

Angela: The one that just said, "Hey?"

Brittany: Yeah. But I know what it means when a man says "hey" to some random woman on the internet. It's just like, this isn't Tinder, bitches. Then again, I guess FB has a dating thing now.

Angela: Idk anyone who uses the FB dating thing. Lol

Brittany: I don't think I do either.

Angela: Poor Zuckerberg. I bet he's sad.

Brittany: Yeah. And Elizabeth Warren is so mean to him. I hope he has the inner strength to persevere.

Angela: Right?? AOC was pretty brutal, too.

Brittany: Yeah. I watched that one. I hope she makes it to president someday.

Angela: Same. (she says wistfully)

Brittany: For now, I waver a little between Sanders and Warren, but generally favor Warren.
If she wins, I get to be like "LOL 'Pocahontas' beat your ass, you dumb cheese covered cracker motherfucker."

Like I really need that to happen or I'll be sad.

Angela: Lol, right? I don't blame you. I especially want to see her publicly use the word "motherfucker." The headline would read: "Liz Gets Real" 😂
I saw a pretty convincing article from Time proposing they team up in the same ticket and I got all excited.

Brittany: I read that article when I saw you posted it. I'd love that ticket.

Angela: I really and truly believe if they teamed up they would be unstoppable.
Between her supporters and his, we'd have the election in the bag.

Brittany: That would be the ticket I'd be more excited about than any I've seen in 2 decades and change of voting.

Angela: Fact, same. I hope they're listening. I can't imagine who either of them could pick for VP that would make a better ticket than this. Or even as good.

Brittany: I mean, I don't hate Biden or anything. He's not a shitty person. Getting high with him and joking about how we can't remember shit would probably be fun, but I don't want a centrist for prez.

Angela: Lmfao! I kind of miss the days when he was just an adorable meme.

Brittany: The Obama/Biden memes were fucking hilarious.

Angela: Yep. Some of my very favorite of all time. 😂

And, you know, I was about to say we should get back to a trans-focused topic, but who am I kidding? Politics is, unfortunately, very important for trans rights. Both Bernie and Elizabeth want to abolish ICE, for starters.

Why ICE is bad and should be abolished, Exhibit A:

Brittany: I guess so. At the end of the day, I want Trump out, and will vote accordingly. Clearly he's elevated beyond his level to function, and it fucking shows.
Yeah. I'm on board for abolishing ICE.

I found this meme on a friend's page. It's pretty accurate.

Angela: Ha! That's perfect. Trump's incompetent. And he has Pence directing his LGBTQ+ policies

Brittany: But there's no mystery surrounding what dumbass put him up there. Electoral college, obvi.

Angela: Right, sigh, I'd like to abolish that, too.

Brittany: Same.

Angela: The Elecoral College has really just become the Conservative Election Crutch.
Seems to be the only way they can win anymore.

Brittany: Right. They never evolved beyond their antiquated social attitudes, for one thing. There aren't that many GT Bynums so far. Without the EC, I imagine the party would effectively die outside of the local level.

Angela: Yep. And then we'd just have the Moderate (aka Centrist) Democrats and the Progressives. That is a 2 party situation I could deal with. Like, everyone agrees that everyone should all have the same civil rights, but we just disagree on economics, really. Centrist Dems are the hard core capitalists (what used to be called "fiscal conservatives") that want to ease everyone into slow, incremental change, and the progressives are all, "fuck that, people need this shit now." Check your box. 😂

Brittany: I'm tired of slow, incremental change. I'm too fucking old for this slow crawl I've been watching my whole life.

Angela: Yuuuuup. But that's what a lot of super privileged folks don't get. When you are being adversely affected by certain societal issues, incrementalism feels like nothing happening at all. You're still suffering. What change? Incrementalism only makes sense to someone who doesn't understand that suffering. In other words, it's a lack of empathy. 😕

Brittany: Yeah. That can be hard to explain to some people. You tell them being cis, het, and white makes their lives easier, and the tears just start flowing.

Angela: Haha, yes! It's so frustrating. Like, no one is saying you don't experience stuff that sucks. We're just saying marginalized people experience all the sucky things that you do in addition to all the sucky things they have to experience because they are marginalized.

Brittany: And they call us "snowflakes." LOL

And one more for shits and giggles. 

*Disclaimer: The "staff" of Becoming Brittany did not create nor do they own any rights to the memes posted here. We just think they're rad. Feel free to grab* and share freely. 

* The memes. We mean grab the memes, not people... unless they give consent. Thank you.

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