Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Chat: Life After Loss, Women in Politics, and VAGINA DAY!

In which Brittany and Angela discuss "the wall," Brittany's picks for prez, family dynamics, and VD, not necessarily in that order. 

Brittany:  So many distractions over the last couple weeks we meant to chat.

Angela:  I know! How have things been going?

Brittany:  Pretty well. I was on the phone with my aunt earlier (mom's older sister). We never really used to be in touch, but ever since my mom died, we talk every Sunday.

Angela:  Oh wow, that's great! What kinds of things do you normally talk about?

Brittany:  Random shit mostly. What's going on in our lives, weather, etc.

Angela:  That's good to have that connection, I'm sure. To be able to talk to someone who was also a part of your mom since she passed.

Brittany:  Yeah. She's really the only non-local family I talk to regularly.

Angela:  Reminds me that I need to call my uncle. Haven't talked to him since Christmas. But he and I are trying to keep it going since my aunt died.

Brittany:  Yeah. It's easy to lose touch with people. She's also the only person I really call. I'm more of a text person.

Angela:  I think that part can be hard... the re-connecting to people after your "connection person" passes.

Brittany:  Yeah. And it's so easy to get distracted by whatever is going on in life.

Angela:  Exactly. Especially if you live far away from each other so you don't have much chance to connect in person. 😕
Is your aunt married?

Brittany:  No. She was a long time ago, but never re-married. She has an adult daughter in Wisconsin, where she lived until recently deciding to go to Arizona.

Angela:  So, like my uncle, she's basically alone.

 Brittany:  Yeah. She seems to like it that way though.

Angela:  That's good. Generalizing here, but I think women do better at being alone than most men.
There are obviously exceptions.

Brittany:  Maybe. Everyone on my mom's side seemed to do alright alone, including me.
Obviously I'm happy in my current relationship, but it rarely bothered me much when I was single for so long.

Angela:  But you're a girl. So that makes sense with what I was saying. 🙂

Brittany:  I suppose that's true.

Angela:  But obviously there are men who prefer to be alone. I'm probably just projecting because I worry about my uncle being a widower after being married for so long.

Brittany:  I know my dad seems to have trouble being alone. If his wife isn't around for some reason, I usually hear from him.

Angela:  Yeah. Also, men tend to remarry or get involved in another relationship faster, after a long term thing ends. But, you know, #notallmen

Brittany:  Lol

Angela:  Do you and your aunt talk about your mom much?

Brittany:  We did at first, but not so much lately. Her former bf/my friend talks about her a lot.

Angela:  That's good. Memories are important. So what have you and your family been up to lately? I know you had that unfortunate snafu with the dog.

Brittany:  Yeah. We went to eat at Olive Garden Friday. We game a lot on weekends too. Now Trisha and Michelle are out shopping, which I totally hate doing. The girls are at their dad's until later today.
What have you guys been up to?

Angela:  When you say game, do you mean video or board?

Brittany:  Mostly video. We're all nerds that way. Card Against Humanity is always fun though. And Risk.
My dad normally comes over about once a week, but he's in Vegas until later this month.

Angela:  Michael plays video games, and we at least used to play a lot of board games. But we went to that board game cafe, Shuffles, for his birthday a few weeks ago. That was fun.

Brittany:  Yeah. I keep meaning to check that place out, but then I see something shiny and get distracted.

Angela:  It got hard to play board games with the baby needing so much attention. We could probably play more now that he's got a semi-regular bedtime, we just keep getting distracted by other things. Like Netflix, haha.
Lol, right?

Brittany:  I love my dad, and will be happy to see him when he gets back, but I kind of enjoy the little breaks from arguing politics.

Angela:  Shiny things pretty much lead me around by the nose.
Oh, ugh, yeah I can see that. He's pretty conservative, right?

Brittany:  Maybe him too. My sister and her husband are pretty conservative too, though not like crazy. Except we were out eating downtown a little before Thanksgiving, and my sister said something to her daughter about Trump "keeping us safe." Puked in my mouth a little.

Angela:  😮 I don't think I've ever felt LESS safe.

Brittany:  My mom was always more liberal. I miss that sometimes.

Angela:  And I'm just a white girl. People don't think about what it's like for everyone who isn't a white cis person. People are fucking terrified right now!

Brittany:  Yeah. They're all white cis het too, so it can be hard to make them see certain things.

Angela:  But what do you and your dad normally argue about? Are there specific political issues, or is it just everything in general?

Brittany:  Trump's wall is the biggest thing lately. And he doesn't like Elizabeth Warren much, so that's probably coming, since she's like my dream POTUS.

Angela:  The wall is a big issue for a lot of people. I wish it wasn't. It's a stupid waste of time, attention, and money. But the Right is fixated on it.

Brittany:  And maybe AOC someday, but she's too young to run for a while, which is funny in a way. As long as you're at least 35 and US born, you can be the biggest fuckwit ever, and totally be president. Obviously.

Angela:  I know. AOC is amazing. But it's good to see what she can shake up in Congress. We need strong people like her there.

Brittany:  Yeah, and I'm super sick of the man show, so I'm all about more strong women getting to be in power.

Angela:  Definitely!

Brittany:  But yeah. A wall wouldn't work, and I don't like the imagery of becoming some medieval fucking fortress.

Angela:  I'm still a Bernie girl because I think he's the most genuine with his policies, but Warren is good, too. I do wish she'd left that Native American thing alone. It's a distraction we do not need right now.
100% agree

Brittany:  Not to mention if Mexicans were white, we wouldn't even be talking about walls.

Angela:  Also 100% yes.

Brittany:  Yeah. I don't know why she took Trump's bait. He got her on that one.
I don't see it costing her much if she wins the primary though.

Angela:  I think I read that Canadians are the most likely to overstay their visas than anyone else, but we're not trying to build a wall against Canada.
Oh no, if she wins the primary, I will be ALL WARREN, ALL THE TIME. 
I know some progressives are all hot for Tulsi Gabbard, but I don't see her getting far. Her past is just too icky.

Brittany:  Yeah. And I was really hoping Warren would run last time. I lover her and Bernie roughly equally, but the whole man show thing kind of sways me.
Part of me wants to overstay my visa in Canada. I don't have one, but still.

Angela:  I understand. I don't have those same issues with Bernie specifically, but otherwise yes. If it isn't Bernie, I hope it's Warren or Kamala.
I could totally pass for Canadian, I think.

Brittany:  I mean, where I'm from isn't even that far south of there, so close enough. lol

Angela:  I lived up north long enough that I could fake the accent.
Exactly! I mean, dat's true, eh?

Brittany:  I still have enough MN accent that people notice sometimes, but it's definitely pretty watered down at this point.

Angela:  You been here too long. You're at least half Okie now.

Brittany:  Yeah. Feminist dyke whore with super progressive opinions. Ton of fun.

Angela:  Lol! You fit like a fish out of water!

Brittany:  So do you I guess, at least politically. You're probably the closest match in that dept I know who doesn't live in the same house I do.

Angela:  Lol! Awww... thanks! 😊
Oh hey, VD's coming up. Do you and your lady-loves enjoy VD? (That's Valentine's Day, for all you sickos out there!)

Brittany:  Yeah. It's Vagina Day for us sickos. We usually eat a big home cooked meal by me and do the gift thing.
No anniversaries on major restaurant days, so it's easier to go out then, and not wait an hour.

Angela:  Vagina Day! Lol, yes!
I think we're actually foregoing VD this year. But we focus more on our anniversary (which isn't til October) and birthdays, anyway.
But I have friends all over the spectrum on this one. Some people swear off Valentine's Day like the plague, and some of my people think it's the best day on the calendar.

Brittany:  My anniversary with Trisha is Feb 19. All of us together is in the spring.

Angela:  Oh, that's so close! Fun!

Brittany:  Yeah. We were spending time together on actual V Day 2012, but became formal shortly after.

Angela:  Well, like you said, skip the crowds that way. 😉

Brittany:  Yeah. Michelle is sort of crowd friendly, but Trisha and I are SO NOT.

Angela:  Lol! That's cute, the dynamic.

Brittany:  Michelle goes out with friends more than Trisha and I combined lol

Angela:  Hey, speaking of crowd friendly, you and I (or your and your girls and I, whatever) need to get together sometime soon. I haven't set eyes on your physical person in an age, it feels like.

Brittany:  Yeah. It's been a long time. Maybe something at your house or ours.

Wanted to chat for writing ideas. Think I have a couple potential ones from this chat.

Angela:  That would be fun. Or take turns for both!
Hey... random side note... can I still not buy wine on Sunday?

Brittany:  I think you probably can at the supermarket, but I'm not sure. Liquor stores still can't be open on Sunday unless a bill gets created and passes. If wine is all you want, I'd say just call first and ask. (This is why Brittany is the brains of the operation.)

Angela:  Ok, I'll work on getting this up in the next day or two. (I'm pretty sure Vagina Day is making it's way into the title). You let me know when you write your next blog post.

Brittany:  I will. Probably this weekend since it falls in between relationship celebrations.

Angela:  And I'll try to find a big vagina-ey flower to post with the chat. 🌺

Brittany:  Totally fits me. 😁
Lol. Already created a document with title and first sentence. I'll leave that out of the chat, though, to create suspense.

Angela:  Just like a writer... >.> *suspense deepens*

Brittany:  Well, let me know when you have the chat up. And have a fun Vagina Day 🙂

Angela:  I definitely will. And you do the same. 😉

Brittany:  Will do. Talk to you soon. 🙂


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