Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 14

of hormone treatment (Spironolactone & Estradiol if I haven't already pointed that out). Significant changes take longer than 2 weeks. I've never seen anyone go through the entirety of puberty in 2 weeks. Have you?

There are a few things that already stand out though.

I pee like a beer-drunk pregnant chick. That started within about 3 hours of taking the first pills. Still going on, but sort of in waves.

Emotions are a little bit more pronounced and clear. Normally it isn't that noticeable, at least to other people, but I don't plan to ever watch "Marley and Me" again. It's not a bad movie, but 1 sad movie = 2 sad movies. I watched "Idiocracy" too though. Sort of balanced it out. It's funny 'cause it's true. If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about.

My tolerance for heat is completely gone (in July no less lol). I know I'm a transplant from MN, but I actually used to sort of like this weather. Now it feels a little like walking into a fire. Walking across a parking lot is more than enough for the day. Apartment dwellers usually have pools. Maybe I'll hang out with some apartment dwellers soon. I'll be your best friend.

I like tomatoes now. Totally didn't see that one coming. A month ago, I thought they were just a really good way to ruin a decent salad. Ketchup is still gross though.


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