Sunday, July 31, 2011


I know this is a little late, but I’ve been busy this past week. My “Becoming Brittany” party went well (that’s actually where the blog name came from. Needed to have a title for the facebook party page, and it stuck). It was to celebrate getting through the first month of hormone therapy, and my transition in general.  My best friends hosted it at their house due to my taste for slightly secluded real estate. I like living in the boonies. It’s quiet. I got to see a lot of people I rarely see. A lot of Evan Williams was consumed. A lot of beer was partially consumed. Of all the beer bottles sitting around the next morning, I don’t think any of the beer drinkers finished a single one. It takes considerably longer to dispose of them if none are empty, but no big deal. A friend brought me 6 red roses, which was hilarious for some reason.  Evan Williams maybe. I had a great time, and didn’t sleep at all even though I was staying the night there. 

After the party ended, Crystal and I copied the first 3 seasons of True Blood from my laptop to her PS3. She started the first episode to make sure it was working. We watched that.  Then she was hooked because that’s what happens to everyone who watches that show. Watched the next one, and the next couple, until dawn. Crystal really does mean the world to me. We’ve been really close for several years now. If I have some big news like coming out as transgender, she’s the first to know, and the first to be supportive. We don’t get to hang out that often due to both of us being busy with different shit, but when we do hang out, or talk on the phone, we tend to talk for hours.  I really lucked out with friends in general. They’re all supportive and great to have in my life. I have a lot of them. I don’t know how I ended up with so many, but I’m glad to have them. This party sort of reminded me of that. Sometimes I sort of “forget” when I go into these reclusive phases I seem to be so prone to. I’m thinking this sort of made me realize what I have, and that I should probably allow myself to experience it more often. Interacting with loved ones face to face is a lot better than interacting via social networking and text messaging.


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