Tuesday, July 31, 2018

This Shit Gay AF

I forgot to post something Pride-related during Pride Month (June). I mean, honestly though, every month is Pride for me. I keep at 5 by 3 foot rainbow flag on the wall in our gaming room literally all year long. And of course, some cities have Pride celebrations outside of June for various reasons.

The first time I went to an LGBTQ+ Pride celebration was Tulsa Pride in 1996. At the time Tulsa Pride was pretty young, with the first having been in 1983. I was also fairly young (18), and somewhat unsure of and experimenting with where I fit within the the sexuality and gender spectrums, but I had that feeling one occasionally has in the right environment where I felt at home. Since then I've only missed a few scattered years, mostly when I was getting my undergraduate degree in Tahlequah, OK. They didn't have Pride events there then, being a small college town, though 5 years ago they began having Pride celebrations, so things are gradually progressing there.

Since then I've come to understand myself as a transgender lesbian woman. My partners are queer cis-gender women, and our oldest daughter, who posseses a self awareness I wish I had as a kid came out as bisexual about 3 years ago, at age 11.

The point of Pride celebrations is to celebrate who we are in a world that doesn't otherwise make any effort to uplift us, build community, be visible, and stand against the all too common discrimination and violence against the LGBTQ+ population.

I want to post a brief history of Pride. I'm totally gay for history like that. A little internet searching can take you into greater detail if you're inclined.

There were earlier uprisings such as Compton's Cafeteria in San Francisco. Police raiding gay bars back then was pretty common. Trans women and drag queens would be arrested. On June 28, 1969, patrons of Stonewall Inn bar in Manhattan (now a national monument at it's current location. Thanks Obama <3) finally got fed up and rioted. Bystanders joined in. That went on all night and some beyond that. If you've seen the movie Stonewall where a bunch of white cis gay guys were throwing the first bricks, it's historically inaccurate, which is partially why it bombed at the box office. The first bricks and other items thrown were thrown by trans women, butch lesbians, and queens of color. Even mainstream LGBTQ organizations often forget this. A year later, the first Pride events took place.

The Pride flag was created by San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker in 1978. From red on top to purple on bottom, the colors stand for life, healing, sunlight, nature, harmony, and spirit. Pink (sexuality) and turquoise (art/magic) were removed. In 2017, the Philadelphia Office of LGBT Affairs created Pride flags with a black and brown stripe to symbolize inclusion of black and brown people in the movement because sadly white gays aren't a whole lot less racist than white straights. I don't see them a lot, but they're around, even outside Philadelphia.

In recent years, there have been people calling for "straight pride," and even a few events boasting like 20 people showing up.

You don't need a straight pride. Straight people weren't being harassed and arrested on nonsensical morality charges a few decades ago. Straight people have always been able to marry (unless you were an interracial couple in the US, which wasn't legal until 1967). You didn't have to wait until 2015 if you lived in the wrong state. You aren't still waiting because you live in the wrong country. A man and woman holding hands in public don't face harassment or violence for doing so.

Meanwhile, back to the frequently disappointing present. We have the most homophobic, trans-phobic, and racist shit show of a White House administration in modern history. Trump and Co. have tried, and so far failed, to ban trans people from serving in the military despite actual opposition from actual military leaders who know a hell of a lot more about military matters than Cadet Bone Spurs ever will. SCOTUS is about to be leaning to the right for the rest of my life. The religious fanatics are licking their chops at the prospect of being able to undermine marriage equality, as well as reproductive rights. Jeff Sessions, who may or may not be the world's oldest vampire, just announced the creation of a "Religious Liberty Task Force" (This means allowing Christians to discriminate and nothing more) because not allowing evangelical Christian organizations and individuals to discriminate against queer people and anyone they disagree with is somehow oppressive toward Christians in the minds of bigots and these old men who may or may not jack off to The Handmaid's Tale every Wednesday. There have been 16 murders of trans women, mostly black trans women, so far this year. Anti-LGBTQ violence in general is on the rise. Earlier this year, some fuckwits shot at the windows of the Tulsa Equality Center in the middle of the night (fortunately, no one was there).

This is why we still need Pride. This is also why we do not need straight pride. None of the above threatens cis-gender heterosexual people. If you want to have your stupid events with your 20 friends, I don't really care, but don't go around acting like being cis, Christian, and straight opens you up to any kind of oppression.

There are still some small signs of progress here and there. Here in Tulsa, they renamed part of a street downtown Pride Street right before the events of the weekend. Our reasonable human of a mayor (a rare treat in this teabilly state) even attended the event.

Our community has survived since the begining of humanity, and we will continue to persevere. You can't erase us. Those in power now won't be in power forever. Society will begin evolving again.

We're here. We're queer. Get used to it.

                                                 Pride Street, Tulsa, OK 2018. Photo: Tulsa World


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